Saturday 25 June 2011

What's a Bieber?

Question here for you my lovely readers:  
What music do 7 year olds listen to these days?? 

Reason for my question. There is a special Little Poppet (LP) turning 7 this weekend and I thought I'd compile a wee CD for the aspiring Rachel Berry:
  • Theatrical personality, attitude and penchant for stars - check. 
  • A liking for putting together "productions" and dance numbers for herself and her brothers to perform for captive adult family members - check.  

Glee - you have a lot to answer for.

So, having dived in and sifted through the detritus that is current top 40 "pop", I now come up to the surface for air thoroughly disheartened and truth be told, a wee bit sad. Pine-age for the 'good ol' days' has well and truly set in (mind you, am certain too that the early to mid 80's and early 90's are slightly skewed through my rose-tinted, whale sized glasses). From what I've seen thus far as TGA and I trawl through what's currently on offer via various top 40 charts - it's enough to make one beach one's self. 

Yes, the songs are catchy - I'll give them that. However, here is where an old-fashioned whale like me starts to get a bit ranty and slightly bewildered:
  • What is with all the half-naked, gyrating, Lolita-esque "look-at-me-ism" going on? Is there a fully dressed female 'singer' out there anywhere at the moment? AND, why do you all dance like you're rubbing oil onto yourselves? *confused*

  • Why are 50's bathing suits now being passed off as evening wear? Yes, Katy Perry, I'm talking to you. I would also like to know if you get dressed in the dark. Surely not - as I'm sure you have enough money to buy many lights and mirrors for your enough-rooms-to-house-Africa palace.
  • Why oh why, is someone called a "Miley" allowed to sing? Is she a new kind of superhero? Goody-goody-gumdrops Hannah Montana by day; Super Mooxie by night? How do you summon her? Is there a Mooxie light that the townspeople can shine into the sky to beckon her?
  • I have also found the source of the leggings-as-pants movement. Nicole Scherz-whatever-your-name-is...I'm coming for you.
The leggings are only the beginning of her problems.
  • Why is choosing a front seat over a back seat on a Friday so important? Yes, Rebecca Black, your song, lack of appreciation for rhyme/rhythm/melody and grating voice drives this whale to drink. Heavily.
  • What the hell is a Bieber? Animal, vegetable, mineral? 
Those and many other random questions are bouncing around in my sleep deprived brain at the moment but alas, I may never find the answers to them all. I'm sure though that these sphinx-quality, mysteries-of-the-current-age are NOT the cause of my current insomnia.

So, back to the task at hand. Sifting through TGA's collection of CDs (legit and "legit-Asian-versions"...) this is the list we've come up with. Kinda going for a happy/fun/dance-like-a-dag, G-rated vibe here. No Gaga. No Jonas Brothers (cringe). Thoughts? Culls?
  1. Into the Groove - Madonna
  2. Express Yourself - Madonna
  3. Locomotion - Kylie Minogue
  4. Stronger - Britney Spears
  5. Mamma Mia - from the Mamma Mia soundtrack
  6. Yellow Submarine - The Beatles
  7. Octopus' Garden - The Beatles
  8. All You Need is Love - The Beatles
  9. Sing It Back - Moloko
  10. Young Hearts Run Free - Kym Mazelle
  11. Ray of Light - Madonna
  12. Nothing Really Matters - Madonna
  13. Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle 
  14. Jolene - Dolly Parton.
  15. Top of the World - The Carpenters
  16. Ooby Dooby - Creedence Clearwater Revival 
  17. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
  18. Don't Stop - Fleetwood Mac
  19. Material Girl - Madonna
  20. Beautiful - Cristina Aguilera, but we've opted for the Glee version
  21. Dancing Queen - from the Mamma Mia soundtrack
  22. We Will Rock You - Queen
  23. Dressed For Success - Roxette
  24. Good Dancers - The Sleepy Jackson
  25. Baby I Don't Care - Transvision Vamp
  26. Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
  27. Walk Like An Egyptian - The Bangles
Too much? Maybe a double CD compilation perhaps...?

Oooh - you will also see that there is now a email-y subscribe-y option up over on the right of the blog! Yes, whales can fit into your inbox! Don't miss a single rant :)

Enjoy the weekend wherever you are! 
Suggestions for the Little Poppet mixed CD more than welcome!

Be good!
x Bruce

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